Joining Wild Ones gives you access to the camaraderie and information resources of other native plant enthusiasts. A single membership covers both the national organization and your local chapter partner-at-large benefits. Your participation enables Wild Ones to fulfill its mission to teach about the many benefits of growing native wildflowers in people’s yards. Here is a list of some of your benefits from joining Wild Ones.
- Wild Ones Journal Online
- Wild Ones New Member Handbook, digital
- Top 18 Journal articles
- All archived Journals
- Our publication 25 Years of Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes
- Facebook and other social media features
- Seeds for Education Grant Program
- Annual Member Meeting and Conference
- Wild Ones Membership Identification Card
- Wild Ones logo
- Many other member-only benefits
As a member of the Northwoods Gateway Chapter, a portion of your annual Wild Ones membership dues goes to support chapter organized projects and activities in the Antigo area community. Northwoods Gateway Chapter activities include –
- regular schedule of meetings
- community garden projects
- speaker presentations
- garden tours
- seed exchanges
- plant sales
- mentoring
You can join any of our events or meetings. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month except for Dec., Jan. and Feb. For more information contact us at [email protected]